Technical Writing

So far, my technical writing expertise has been in service of products in the online banking world. I particularly enjoy writing process documentation, procedural how-to’s, and succinct explanations that can summarize a complicated product in an approachable way. I’m also a fan of playing with legalese, if need be, and I can be persuaded to help with marketing copy. In short, if you need it written, I can get the job done.

Other work hobbies of mine include: completely reorganizing your team’s Confluence space, writing Jira queries for literally any question you could ever have, making pretty spreadsheets, and asking all the questions all the time (and of course, taking copious notes). I’m the kind of person who, upon receiving access to a new tool, will proceed to poke all the buttons until 1) I break something or 2) I learn the thing. My meeting style is direct and to the point, but let’s be honest, we’d all rather get our tasks done quickly and move on to conversations about dogs. I believe in working hard and playing hard!

See below for some examples of my work. My extra commentary is included for context (and probably your amusement).

Note: Screenshots have been removed from the following documentation, but if you’re interested in samples that look closer to the finished project, you may Contact me to request additional samples of my work.

Bulk Upload Jira Tickets

This how-to will teach you how to bulk upload tickets into Jira with a .CSV file. Bulk uploading tickets can make the process of ticket creation and organization quicker and easier, especially for big projects.

Upload .CSV file

  1. Open the Jira Template (this is an Google sheet custom-made for your Jira ticket requirements).

  2. Click File > Download > Comma separated values (.csv, current sheet).

  3. A .CSV file will download to your computer.

  4. Open Jira.

  5. Click Issues > Import Issues from CSV from the top navigation bar.

  6. Upload your file and click Next.

  7. Select your desired Jira Project from the Import to Project dropdown and click Next.

  8. Map the fields by matching the .CSV fields with the Jira fields. For example, Description should be across from Description.

    Note: Make sure to check the boxes under Map Field Value.

  9. Click Next, then Validate.

  10. The issues will validate. If there are any issues that come up with the validation, you must correct the mistakes in your .CSV file and start over. If everything looks good, click Begin Import.

  11. The issues will import. Click Check Created Issues to view your newly created tickets in list form. You can further bulk edit your tickets by clicking the Tools (gear) icon in the top right and selecting Bulk Change > All # Issues.

Disable Users in Admin with Bulk Operations

Admin users can disable end user accounts when they no longer want an end user to access online banking. After they’ve been disabled, the admin can delete the end users.

Deleting registered users from the system is an irreversible process. Users who are deleted must re-register with a new username to access the platform again. As a precaution, the bulk operations tool will only delete users that are already in a disabled state. We recommend that financial institutions leave end users in a disabled state for a week before executing the delete process. Disabled users can be reactivated if you determine that the end user needs access to the system.

Pro-tip: Run the process with a small version of the file before running the entire file. This will help you get familiar with the tool.


  • Scheduled Bill Pay or Transfer transactions will not be processed for deactivated or inactive users.

  • If a business user is disabled with Bulk Operations, all associated sub users will also be disabled. You must ensure that the entity’s associated sub users have also not logged in recently before disabling.

In Admin, go to Support > Bulk Operations.

  1. Click Choose File to select the .CSV file from your computer to upload.

  2. Upload the file.

    Note: Only 2500 end user records can be processed in a single file. You can use multiple files to process larger batches of users as needed.

    After the file is uploaded, it is processed to make sure it is in the correct format. A message will show the number of end users in the file.

  3. Select Disable Users.

  4. In the Confirm Bulk Operation dialogue, enter the text that describes your action. To disable users, type “Disable Users.”

  5. Click Submit.

Card Setup on Mobile

The following steps describe how to register a card, activate a card, and set up alerts on mobile.


  • Depending on your FI’s configuration, any combination of these features may be present or not.

  • FIs can configure multi-factor authentication (MFA) for most features. When configured, MFA will be required prior to taking the action.

  • Admin users can specify which features within the Card widget should be available to specific packages. This can be used to provide certain features to specific groups or allow piloting of incremental functionality to a pilot package.

  1. From the mobile navigation, tap the Card widget.

    Note: The widget menu may display differently based on your FI’s navigation setup.

  2. The Card widget will display.

  3. Tap the card you wish to set up.

  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap Finish Setup to activate your card.

  5. Follow the prompts to activate your card, set up the PIN, and set transaction alerts.

    Note: Setting up transaction alerts is optional.

  6. Tap Activate Card to activate your card with the CVV number. Optionally, you can tap Use Digital Card Display if you don’t have your physical card to activate yet.

    Note: Multi-factor authentication is required for Digital Card Display. A side sheet will appear asking you to select your preferred method to receive a verification code. You will have a limited amount of time to put in the code before you can continue.

  7. Tap Activate Card to activate or Cancel to discard changes.

  8. Once activated, you will return to the Card Setup screen where you can now set up your PIN.

  9. Tap Pin Setup to set up your PIN.

  10. Tap Save PIN to save your PIN or Cancel to discard changes.

  11. Once your PIN is set up, you will return to the Card Setup screen where you can now set up transaction alerts.

  12. Select All Transactions, Transactions Over A Limit, or No Alerts. For All Transactions and Transactions Over A Limit, you must select an alert delivery method (SMS text or email).

  13. Tap Save Preferences to save your preferences or Cancel to discard changes.

  14. The Setup Complete screen will display.

  15. Tap Done to return to the Card widget.


Creative Writing


TWU's The Lasso